Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just one of the most effective ways to market your business online; it’s also one of the most cost-effective. Anyone with an internet connection and some basic tech skills can learn how to optimize their website, regardless of business type or size. Follow these SEO tips to make sure that your company’s website is set up with search engines in mind, giving your customers the chance to find you and drive business your way.

Understanding Terms Related to Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines' unpaid results--often referred to as natural, organic, or earned results--by increasing its relevance or importance. 

There are many ways that you can improve your SEO, but they all fall into three categories: on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical optimizations. These tips will help you get started with each category.

 1) On-Page Optimization: On-page optimization refers to optimizing the content, code, and metadata of a web page so that it provides the best user experience based on specific keywords. It’s about using those keywords naturally throughout your site so that search engine spiders can find them more easily. Try not to go overboard, though; keyword stuffing will result in penalties from Google and other major search engines. 

2) Off-Page Optimization: Off-page optimization means optimizing sites other than your own so that when somebody types in one of your target keywords, there's a good chance you'll show up near the top of their search results. There are many ways to accomplish this, but today we're going to talk specifically about blog commenting because it has been proven time and time again that successful blog commenting leads to increased traffic back to your website

 3) Technical Optimizations: Last but not least, remember that SEO isn't just about content and strategy; it also encompasses technical considerations like choosing the correct URLs, implementing schema markup, using hreflang tags for language targeting, etc.

Tips on Using Keywords in the Header Tags

1) Use keywords in the title of your blog post. 

2) Include a keyword summary or introduction at the top of your blog post. This way, readers will know what they'll be reading about and will be more likely to read the whole thing. In addition, use phrases like in this post so that you're repeating the keyword throughout the post. Keyword repetition is important because it helps search engines find your site and rank it higher than others. If you repeat keywords once per paragraph, it's enough to give your SEO an edge over other blogs. However, don't overdo it or else Google may think you're spamming and penalize your site's ranking! 

3) Optimize titles by including the main keyword phrase two times (a double mention). For example: Keyword Research 101: Finding Keywords with Little Effort. Notice how keywords was mentioned twice? That's one easy way to optimize your blog post titles. Read on for more tips on optimizing the actual content of your posts. 1) When writing your blog post, keep in mind that most people skim rather than read every word. Use subheadings to break up paragraphs and make them easier to skim. 2) Format text with bold or italics if you want emphasize certain words or phrases. Don't forget links either; add hyperlinks whenever possible to help readers navigate the text easier.

A Quick Note About Meta Descriptions

One of the most important things you can do to improve your site's performance in search engines is make sure that your site has a Meta Description. A meta description is a brief (150-160 character) summary of the content on your page that tells users what they'll find on the page. It should accurately represent the page, be keyword rich, and it should contain information about why people might want to visit. If done correctly, this tag will help Google provide users with more targeted results than if there was no Meta Description tag at all. 

It's not possible to edit your meta descriptions on WordPress blogs but it's very simple to update them by editing the content of each post manually or writing a plugin that automatically updates them when you publish new posts. For additional tips on how to create an effective SEO strategy for your blog, we recommend reading our other blog post titled How to Make Your Site More Search Engine Friendly. 

In the meantime, here are some quick tips to get started: 

1. Create quality original content; don't plagiarize! 

2. Write compelling titles that include keywords and are informative; don't try too hard though! You're trying to create a title that intrigues readers enough so they click through. Try using numbers, acronyms, or using common expressions like How To. Remember to use long tail keywords throughout your blog post as well as words and phrases specific to the niche you're writing about.

When posting links on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., always put them within the first 140 characters because many social media sites truncate URLs after that point.

Some Dos and Don’ts When it Comes to Advertorial Writing

When writing an advertorial, it's important to remember that you are not writing about your brand but rather about the benefits of a product or service. That being said, there are a few things you should keep in mind so that your advertorial doesn't come off as disingenuous. First and foremost, be transparent with the reader. Let them know what's in it for them if they click through and purchase the product or service. Secondly, be subtle. In other words, don't go out of your way to convince readers to buy something when they're not ready to commit. If the product is truly great, they will take notice on their own. Thirdly, use keywords sparingly. Keep in mind that using too many keywords could lead readers to believe that your content is spammy which will hurt both their perception of the company you're writing about and yours as well. Finally, include hyperlinks to relevant posts on your website related to the topic of the advertorial. These links will help back up any claims you make about the product or service in question and provide additional information for those who are interested. As always, proofread your content before posting. You never know how long it will be until someone notices a typo and sends you a message! For more SEO tips and advice, check out my other blog post titled SEO 101: The Basics. 

Hopefully this post has given you some ideas on how to write better advertorials without coming off as disingenuous.

Resources on SEO

The success of your website largely depends on the visibility and ranking in search engines. If a potential customer can't find you, then they can't buy from you. This guide will show you how to optimize your website so it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines determine rank based on relevancy, popularity, and authority. So if you follow this list, you're bound to have a successful SEO campaign! First, you need to select an accurate site title that includes keywords relevant to your business. Next, include targeted keywords and phrases on your home page as well as throughout other important pages of your site. Third, ensure that every page has descriptive meta-tags - at least 160 characters per meta tag are recommended with 10 words or less per sentence. Last but not least, use at least one image file with an alt attribute containing a keyword phrase related to the page's content. Relevant images should be placed within the body text, preferably below 800px wide. Follow these tips and you'll be on your way to creating a more effective SEO strategy.