Do you want to get YouTube ad revenue from your channel but always fail to get your AdSense code approved? Well then let me share with you how I got my YouTube AdSense approved in just one week! It really took only 1 week! You can do it too! That’s why I wrote this tutorial today, so that you don’t have to do what I did, and waste months of your time on trial and error. By the time you finish reading this, you will know exactly how to get your AdSense code on your YouTube channel in just 1 week!

Start with a strategy

If you're new to the YouTube world and want to get started by monetizing your videos, then the first thing you'll need is an AdSense account. Once you've created a Google account and applied for an Adsense account, you'll be directed through a series of questions about what kind of content will be on your channel and what type of ads you're looking for. Make sure to answer honestly and with detail so that you don't have any problems when it comes time for review. It may take up to a week before your application goes live - but don't worry, there's plenty of stuff that you can do while waiting! 1) Watch other people's videos and comment on them. As long as they aren't spammy comments, this will help them find your channel more easily and provide some social proof that they are worthy of being advertised against. 2) Create a few playlists to share with friends who might like watching similar types of content. They might subscribe and see if you're a good fit for their YouTube channels too! 3) Upload at least one video every day during the week you wait to apply for an AdSense account. Doing this will not only give viewers something new to watch, but it'll also show advertisers that you're consistent and committed to the platform. 4) Link all of your accounts together - Youtube, Twitter, Facebook- by creating identical profiles across all platforms. That way if someone follows you or mentions you on Twitter or Facebook, they'll also follow you on Youtube and vice versa.

Run your campaign for 30 days

I have created a campaign that is going on for 30 days. I am doing this because I believe it will give me the best chance of getting my adsense accepted. On day one, I uploaded 5 videos and setup 1 ad group with 5 video slots. On day two, I uploaded 10 videos and setup 2 ad groups with 10 video slots each. On day three, I uploaded 15 videos and setup 3 ad groups with 15 video slots each. And finally, on day four, i uploaded 20 videos and setup 4 ad groups with 20 video slots each. It may seem like overkill but if you can keep up with uploading new videos everyday then by day 30 you will have 400+ videos ready to go out there and earn money for you! One last tip would be to edit all of the videos and make them different lengths - typically when you upload a video, it's full length which can be quite long (5-10 minutes). So try making some shorter ones so your viewers don't get bored waiting for the ad break. Another thing to consider is putting in something about the length of time for your viewer to watch before they see an ad. I recommend about five minutes because research has shown that most people are not willing to wait more than five minutes before seeing an ad. That way, no matter what their attention span is, you are giving them the chance to see one of your ads and hopefully click on it. Remember: never skip an opportunity for a click!

Check if you meet requirements

If you want to start monetizing your YouTube channel, you're going to need a Google Adsense account. It's easy enough to sign up for an account and upload some videos, but getting an approval can take a little longer. There are steps you can take that will help ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. To speed up this process, follow these three simple rules: 

- Make sure all of your videos meet Google’s content guidelines 

- Keep all of your video titles accurate and concise 

- Ensure that there are no copyright issues with any of the music you have used in any of your videos by using royalty free soundtracks or by purchasing a license.

- Always include subtitles on your videos and make sure they are clear and readable 

- Fill out the complete profile information so that Google has everything it needs to review your application 

- Double check what type of account you want to set up by following this link (check Google Adsense) 

- After filling out the requested info, be patient while Google reviews your application and lets you know if it meets requirements 

- Remember that this process may not happen immediately, since applications are reviewed manually by people rather than being accepted automatically 

- Once Google gets back to you about whether or not your application has been approved, we recommend uploading a few more videos to establish yourself on the site.

Fix any issues that may hold up payment

To make sure you're getting your ad revenue as soon as possible, we recommend following these steps:

-Verify the website associated with the video is yours. 

-Make sure you have a Google account and that this is the account that is linked with the video. - Make sure that the content of the video does not violate any of YouTube's Community Guidelines. 

- Check for missing or incorrect data on videos where it may be preventing payment from being issued. For example, if there are no title tags or tags describing the content of your video, then people will not be able to find it when they are searching for videos on a topic related to what you're talking about in your video. You should also ensure that your video has correct titles, descriptions, and tags (including keywords). If you see This video has been removed instead of This video has been monetized under the Monetization tab of your Video Manager then this is usually an indication that some issue needs to be fixed. You can also find information about how to fix certain issues by clicking on the help icon next to each issue listed in the Monetization tab. Once everything looks good, simply click on the Save button at the bottom of your page. It may take up to 24 hours for you to start seeing ads running on your videos again. However, as long as everything is updated correctly before you upload another video to YouTube then all future videos uploaded after updating will automatically run ads immediately once they've been published.

Double check everything before you submit

It's important that you review the guidelines and make sure that you are eligible. If you think something might be a violation, it is best to remove it before submitting because any violations will prevent approval. Make sure that your channel follows the rules of Google's Community Guidelines. You should also review their advertising policies and keep them in mind when creating content for monetization on YouTube. In order to ensure compliance with these policies, we recommend that you consult with an attorney who specializes in these areas. 

When preparing a video for monetization purposes, we recommend using no more than two ad formats per video - such as an overlay ad or bumper ad at the beginning and end of the video - or by adding a mid-roll ad break if appropriate based on the type of content.

Submit and wait

In order to start monetizing your Youtube account, you first need to become a registered Google advertiser. The first thing you'll need is an Adwords account. From there, you can link that account with your Youtube channel and start running ads on videos that are eligible for advertising. Once you've done so, the next step is submitting an application and waiting up to 1-2 weeks for approval. After you're accepted, it's as easy as making sure that every video has at least one ad unit (text or video) before publishing it. You'll receive payment from YouTube 45 days after the end of each month following signup day (usually around December 20th). Payments will be sent out through PayPal to the email address associated with your bank account. If you have any questions, please contact their support team!

Check Status often

- Before starting a new channel, make sure you are eligible. You will not be able to monetize your videos if you are under 18 years old, live in Cuba or Syria, or produce content related to gambling. It can take up to six weeks for an account to be verified, but don't wait for the money before starting because there's no way of knowing how long it'll take. 

There is a great app called TubeBuddy that can help you track progress and keep an eye on what's coming up next. I recommend subscribing to the YouTube Partner Program as soon as possible. With this program, you will have access to all ads types and formats. A big plus is that ad partners share 55% with the creator. The downside: only channels with 10,000 total views or 4,000 hours of watch time within a year from December 14th 2016 may apply for participation.