The 5G network is all set to be the next big thing in mobile technology, with companies like AT&T and Verizon announcing their plans to roll out this new system throughout the country in the next couple of years. However, there’s been some controversy surrounding this move, as experts have expressed concerns about its potential health risks and impact on our environment and wildlife. There are good reasons why people are worried about the potential dangers of 5G technology – read on for five of them below.

How Long Have We Used Telecommunications?

The first telecommunications were telegraphs, which work by transmitting information as electrical pulses. It was invented in 1837 by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail. Today we use a variety of devices that use electromagnetic waves as their primary means of communication, such as cell phones, televisions, radios, and microwaves. A new technology called 5G is being introduced in many countries and it promises very fast data transmission rates. However, this new network could be harmful to human health because it emits radiation over a much broader range of frequencies than earlier technologies. For example, the 3rd generation cellular system (3G) operates in three frequency bands: 900-1700 MHz for uplink/downlink; 2100-2500 MHz for downlink; and 3500-4200 MHz for uplink/downlink. The 4th generation (4G) operates at two frequency bands: 700 MHz for downlink and 2180-2200 MHz for uplink/downlink. And the fifth generation network (5G) will operate at four different ranges: 300 MHz – 3000 MHz for both downlink and uplink/downlink.

How Are Cell Phones Affecting Us?

Cell phones emit a type of radiation called non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields are different from ionizing radiation, which is what causes cancer. The radiation from cell phones doesn't break chemical bonds or damage DNA but it does cause DNA strands to twist around each other, which can lead to problems with the way cells divide. This can lead to mutations and cancerous growths. While this hasn’t been proven, studies have found that men who keep their cell phones close by may have low sperm counts and could even experience fertility issues. Children who use a cell phone before age 20 may be more likely to develop brain tumors later in life, according to the National Cancer Institute. Additionally, they're exposed to higher levels of radiation because they're smaller than adults and the antenna is positioned closer to their head. Researchers believe this means they're at greater risk for developing health problems as adults too. Studies have also linked the increased use of cellphones to an increased number of auto accidents among drivers. In fact, people who text while driving are 23 times more likely to get into an accident than those who don't text while driving. That's just one more reason why we need to invest in safer technology now!

Other Ways Cell Phone Radiation Can Harm Us

In addition to emitting radiation, cell phones can harm our health in a variety of other ways. For example, it has been shown that when people use their phone while they are driving they are more likely to get into car accidents. Also, there have been studies showing that children who spend more time on their cell phones or watch TV with a mobile device in their lap may be at higher risk for certain types of cancer. The Radiation Research Trust has found that long-term cell phone users suffer cognitive impairment and brain damage over time due to the constant bombardment of microwave radiation from their phones. 

A meta-analysis by Dr. Lennart Hardell, a professor emeritus at University Hospital Orebro Medical Centre in Sweden and his colleagues showed an increased risk of glioma and acoustic neuromas associated with wireless cellphone use for 10 years or more. He estimates that about 12% of all cancers in the U.S., which translates to about 2 million cases per year, could be attributed to electromagnetic field exposure from cellphones.

Devices That Emit the Most Radiation

Cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, computers, tablets, and baby monitors are all devices that emit radiation. Wi-Fi routers and cell phones emit a type of radiation called electromagnetic fields (EMF), which is categorized as a non-ionizing form of radiation. Non-ionizing radiation has been shown to increase risk for some cancers in animals but not in humans. However, EMFs can still cause damage by penetrating human tissue and affecting DNA or causing cells to become overexposed to heat. The World Health Organization recognizes EMFs from power lines, electrical appliances like hair dryers or electric blankets, and appliances used in health care facilities such as magnetic resonance imaging systems as possible carcinogens because they do have potential for causing cancer. Studies have also linked exposure to EMFs with increased risk for other diseases including: asthma, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, headaches, sleep problems and depression. The jury is out on how safe these new waves of radiation may be. One thing we know for sure though - living without wifi will save your life!

What Are The Long-Term Effects?

Long-term effects of exposure to RF include cancer, infertility, brain tumors, and other types of cancers. If a child is exposed in utero or during childhood, they are at even higher risk. What Can We Do?: 1) Speak up! Call your representatives and tell them you oppose the use of this technology near schools. 2) Sign this petition asking Verizon to stop building out their towers near schools 3) Share this information with everyone you know so they can make an informed decision about how close they want their children or themselves to be near these networks 4) Join us in our efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of EMFs (especially for pregnant women, young children, and those who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder). Founded by Dr. Martin Blank, Dr. Cindy Russell, Dr. Jack Kruse, and Dr. David Ores, Stop The Smart Meter Alliance is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inform the public about the health risks of electromagnetic fields in the environment caused by wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and smart meters on homes

What Happens When You Are Exposed To Cell Phone Radiation?

Cell phones emit radiation in all directions, and some of this radiation may be absorbed by tissues near the phone. When using a cell phone, you are exposed to two sources of radiation: (1) directly from the cell phone into your head and body; and (2) indirectly from antenna-to-antenna interaction with other cell phones nearby. You might want to use speakerphone or earbuds rather than holding the phone up to your ear for long periods, as any radiation that is directed towards your head is more dangerous than radiation directed away from it. Other tips for limiting exposure include texting instead of talking, limiting time spent on calls or keeping them short, and avoiding close proximity between your phone and sensitive areas like breasts or genitals. Maintaining a distance of at least 6 inches will reduce potential exposure levels. If you have children, please take extra care not to let them sleep next to their mobile device. Parents should also educate themselves about children's cognitive development when exposing young children under age 12 years old to wireless devices so they can make informed decisions about how much screen time they should allow their child each day.

What Are Some Ways We Can Protect Ourselves from Cell Phone Radiation?

One of the most important ways to protect yourself from cell phone radiation is by using an air tube headset. This will allow you to talk on your phone without having it against your head or near your body. It will also reduce the amount of electromagnetic waves that are absorbed by your head and body. You should also try and use a cordless home phone whenever possible since this uses less energy than a traditional landline. There are also apps available which can help filter out some of the more harmful frequencies that your cell phone emits. For example, there is now a free program called CellGuardian which blocks all EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) from reaching your head. The only way for these EMFs to reach you would be if you put the device directly against your ear; but, this app doesn’t block sounds so you could still answer calls with no problem. Another option would be to switch your handset into airplane mode. Airplane mode disables the emitting of any signals from the handset. If you're outside, it's best to turn off your phone entirely as well as any other wireless devices such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and satellite systems.