When you go to Google and type in your topic or search term, what results come up? Are those the websites you would expect, the ones that have spent countless hours perfecting their online presence? Or do some unexpected websites show up on page one that seem to just magically appear without much effort at all? The difference between these two scenarios is often writing great content and getting your website ranked first on Google, which I’m sure we can all agree, is not an easy task. In fact, it takes quite a bit of work and careful planning to achieve this goal but the results are worth it in the end!

What keywords should you use?

1. Write about topics that you have a passion for. 

2. Include keywords in the title, subheadings, and body of your posts. 2. Optimize for search engines with keywords that are relevant to the topic of your post. 3. Keep it engaging: use short sentences and paragraphs as well as headings, lists, images, videos and links to other articles so readers are incentivized to read more. 4. Your keyword density should be between .5% and 1%. Don’t go overboard. You want to write an informative blog post without becoming overly self-promotional or stuffing your text with irrelevant words just because they’re keyword-rich. If you're worried about coming up with ideas for what to write about, try exploring some long-tail keywords by searching keyword + how to or keyword + example. Make sure there is at least one image per post (preferably more) and link out to related websites when possible.

Why are headings so important?

Headings are extremely important for a number of reasons. They not only help organize the information in the post, but they also serve as a way for readers who are scanning the page to get an overview of what you’ve written. And, when it comes time for search engines like Google or Bing to rank your site, they will use those headings to determine what words are most relevant to your post and how prominently they should appear in search results. So if your post is titled What is SEO? and your heading says Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or webpage in a search engine’s unpaid results - often referred to as natural, organic, or earned results, then that heading will be included among the list of keywords associated with your post when someone searches for SEO terms. That's why it's so important to make sure your headlines are descriptive, clear, concise and consistent throughout the blog. For example: 

Sometimes It's Hard To Tell If You're Making The Right Decisions In Life

This can be split into two separate headlines: 1) Sometimes It's Hard To Tell If You're Making The Right Decisions In Life; 2) 7 Ways To Know When You're On The Right Path In Life.

How to craft a catchy headline?

A headline is the first part of an online post that people will see, read, and remember. It's also the most important element for any blog post or news story. How do you craft a catchy headline? It all comes down to these four rules: 

1) Tell me what I need to know in 10 words or less. 

2) Give me a surprising fact.

 3) Be dramatic. 

4) Make me laugh, cry, or feel something intensely. 

And 5) use words that tell me why I should care about this topic. Take these tips into consideration when you're looking at creating headlines for future posts, because it can help make them more engaging and memorable!

How long should my blog posts be?

How long should blog posts be? The answer is up to you. Each post should provide enough information to be useful, but not so much that readers are overwhelmed. Generally speaking, most people prefer around 400-700 words per post. Longer than 700 words may make it more difficult for readers to find the exact information they need quickly. Shorter than 400 words will likely not give them what they want or leave them feeling unsatisfied with the post. There's no magic number of sentences or paragraphs that a good blog post needs, but this is a general guideline for word count: 

Where do I start?: Where do I start? To write an engaging blog post, ask yourself these questions:

Where am I going to publish my post? What am I going to talk about in my post? Who is my audience? What’s the goal of my blog post (give advice, entertain)?

Keep the post images relevant

If you want your website to rank high in the search engines, there’s a few things you need to do. First, make sure that all of the text on your pages is clear, concise and easy for people who are searching for something specific. Second, be sure that you have quality keywords placed in strategic locations throughout the page. Third, if you have any videos or images on your site, it’s important to keep the images relevant to what you're discussing. Finally, don't forget to include links back to other relevant posts and websites so people can find more information about what they're looking for quickly. When you write great content, give yourself time to think through how best to present it on your website. The key is making sure that everything is as simple as possible for those doing the research - especially when they're looking for an answer fast!

Use diagrams, charts, graphs etc.

If you want to write best content and get your website ranked first on google, this infographic should help. Follow these easy steps for a better understanding of the process. 

1. Identify the right keywords.

 2. Write high-quality content based off those keywords that is relevant to the topic of interest.

 3. Optimize the title, headings, links, images and alt text for SEO purposes

 4. Build links in order to increase traffic

 5. Monitor progress with analytics tools like Google Analytics and make adjustments as needed. That's it! By following these five simple steps, you will have increased your chances of getting on page one of Google search results by using diagrams, charts or graphs.

Test before publishing blog posts.

When you're ready to publish, always test the post before it goes live. You can share the blog post with a select group of people and get their feedback. This will help you find any typos or grammatical errors before it's published online. If they don't notice anything wrong, then you're good to go! If they spot an error, fix it and then send them a new link so they can approve the revised version. Once that has been approved, publish the blog post online! It is best to schedule publishing at least 24 hours in advance so it gives enough time for search engines to index the post. One other thing you should do is promote the blog post. Share it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as blogs related to your industry. By doing this, you are letting more people know about what you have just written about!

Test after publishing blog posts.

It's always important to test after publishing blog posts. One way is by using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. It will tell you what keywords are most searched for, so you can target them in your posts. Another option is to use BuzzSumo. BuzzSumo tells you which articles have been shared the most often on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more. The tool also shows how many shares a post got and which networks were used to share it. There are other tools available as well such as SEMrush which is an advanced search engine optimization (SEO) tool that provides up-to-date info about your competitor’s rank positions based off of their keyword strategy. You'll be able to see who ranks number one for specific phrases, which pages they're ranking number one on, and how much traffic they get from search engines. All these resources give you valuable insights into where you should focus your attention when developing new content or optimizing old ones.